It’s time to set your speaking goals for 2019. The profession is experiencing massive disruption, and the only speakers who will succeed in 2019 and beyond will be the smart and savvy. I would recommend that you focus on your numbers, starting with cash flow, and work backwards from there. I’m expecting to have our best year ever in 2019, but only because we have radically altered our business model to match the changes that have occurred in the past 12 months. I strongly recommend that you do the same. The speakers that adapt will be more successful than ever, while the stubborn ones who are clinging to the glory days of the past will suffer and be replaced. Watch this short video I taped in the studio at the Bona Allen Mansion and I’ll look forward to your comments.

Your Speaking Goals for 2019
Published By steve
Steve Siebold, CSP My name is Steve Siebold. I’m an author with 1.4 million books in print, and a professional speaker and consultant to Fortune 500 sales teams on how to increase sales and retention rates through mental toughness training. My corporate clients include Johnson & Johnson, Toyota, Harrah’s Entertainment, Procter & Gamble, GlaxoSmithKline, Ingersoll Rand, etc.
Thank you Steve! I have been following you for a few years now and always been impressed
with you and your advice.
My goal for 2019 is to get out of the starting gate!
I am having a hard time figuring out how much I want to make mainly because I don’t what to
charge. Then there is the part of me that thinks I should give my knowledge away for free.
As you said you can find all you want to know online for free and that has caused me to wonder
why people are still not getting it. One of the reasons is because we have heard the wrong
information so many times it has become ingrained in our thinking, the thinking that does not
come into our awareness. The thinking that has caused the Human Race to become Masters of
Self-Limitation, Self-Sabotage and Self-Degradation when compared to who we really are! We
need to hear the Truth many times to reprogram ourselves. Finding the information does not
mean you experience it! You experience it when you are at a live event and in the presence of
that Energy!
The disruption you talk about is a part of the Spiritual Speed Up that is taking place.
I have written a book that I will publish soon. It is very short and the most powerful story I have
ever heard after over 30 years of studying over 30 Spiritual Masters. It’s about an Inmate in a
Nazi Death Camp the Thrived taking Mental Toughness to a whole new level. The story of what
the Inmate did is almost unknown and forgotten, how it was done has never been told, it came
to me because of my training. Thanks! Art Drentlau
Art, thanks for your comment. Your speaking fee will be determined by the value you bring to the audience; your level of speaking skills, and your background and credibility on the subject. Hope that helps!